“Shout joyfully to God, all the earth!

The worship ministry is made up teams of passionate volunteers who love God and love leading the church family in worship. If this describes you, there is a place for you on the team!
Our Worship Philosophy:
How do you make people worship? The short answer is, you can’t. It is humanly impossible to make people worship. Regardless of the talent of the musician, the mood of the worship service, the expertise of the worship media, the volume of the music; nobody can make another person truly worship. That being said, a worship leader or worship pastor, should strive to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to worship.
Our Worship Philosophy:
How do you make people worship? The short answer is, you can’t. It is humanly impossible to make people worship. Regardless of the talent of the musician, the mood of the worship service, the expertise of the worship media, the volume of the music; nobody can make another person truly worship. That being said, a worship leader or worship pastor, should strive to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to worship.
In order to answer the question, “how do you help people worship,” it is helpful to look at some basic biblical facts.
Worship is an act of intentional purpose, not an accident, not a ritual, and not something that is a perfunctory fulfillment of a spiritual to-do list. Perhaps the best way to help people worship is by understanding worship ourselves and then living and teaching that truth to those around us.
- Worship is about ascribing to God His worth. (I Chronicles 16:27-29; II Kings 17:36)
- Worship is ultimately for God, not us. (Psalm 100; Isaiah 44:23, 51:11)
- In order to worship, people must see God. (Psalm 22:27, 95:6, 96:9; Romans 12:1-2; Revelation 15:4)
- Worship is purposeful. (Genesis 22:5; Judges 5:3; Psalm 9:1; John 4:23-24)
Worship is an act of intentional purpose, not an accident, not a ritual, and not something that is a perfunctory fulfillment of a spiritual to-do list. Perhaps the best way to help people worship is by understanding worship ourselves and then living and teaching that truth to those around us.

Worship Choir
If you love to sing, join the FBC Worship Choir! The choir is an un-auditioned group of all ages that meets Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30pm for music and fellowship. At this time, preparations are made for worship and seasonal projects such as Easter and The Living Christmas Tree.

Worship Band
The worship band consists of rhythm instruments such as guitars, drums, keyboards. We are always looking to include other musicians. If you are interested in serving in this area, we would love to visit with you about the opportunities to serve.

Media & Tech
Each week the tech team does a fantastic job serving our church family and community. The weekly broadcast can be viewed on KSWO Channel 7 at 11:00 am. If you have experience in the areas on audio, video, lighting or visual media (or would like to learn), contact the church office for more information.
Children's Choir
During each semester of the the school year, the children meet to prepare a musical or music presentation which they present at the end of each semester. Each week the children are given a spiritual challenge through music or lesson plan.

Living Christmas Tree
The Living Christmas Tree is presented as a gift to the community from First Baptist Church by a 100 voice choir, full orchestra and drama cast. The 39 foot metal constructed tree is covered with 100,000 computer controlled lights moving in synchronization to music. It is a unique sight to behold. Each year offers a new presentation, but the message is always the same. The purpose and heartbeat of this event is to share the gospel message of Christ and His love.

Prime Time Choir
The Primetime Choir is a group of “mature” adults (55+) who love to sing (or attempt to sing) some of the old and new songs! They to love fellowship, laugh, sing and share in ministry at the local assisted living centers and nursing homes.